Underwater Articles

Giant-Cuttlefish-P7091865-PGSThe papers below are mostly about cephalopods, the group of animals that includes octopuses, cuttlefish, and squid.

My blog discusses these animals and other underwater topics as well.

* Coverage of our 2016 octopus work in the New York TimesBBC, and The Guardian. (Here is a page collecting the media coverage.)


Octopus Debris Throwing (PLoS One, 2022). Coverage (the best article about the paper) in the New York Times.

• “Octopus Engineering, Intentional and Inadvertent,” (D. Scheel, P. Godfrey-Smith, S. Chancellor, M. Hing, S. Linquist, M. Lawrence), Communicative & Integrative Biology, e1395994 (2017).

Against Octopus Farming,” Issues in Science and Technology 35 (2), Winter 2019 (J. Jacquet, B. Franks, P. Godfrey-Smith, W. Sánchez-Suárez). With art by Judy Fox.

• “Did They Mean To Do That? Accident and Intent in an Octopuses’ Garden” (M. Hing and P. Godfrey-Smith), The Conversation, November 14, 2017. Reprinted by ABC News (Australia).

• “A Second Site Occupied by Octopus tetricus at High Densities, With Notes on Their Ecology and Behavior,” (D. Scheel, S. Chancellor, M. Hing, M. Lawrence, S. Linquist, P. Godfrey-Smith), Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10236244.2017.1369851. (A page collecting media coverage of this paper is here. I comment on the media coverage here.)ABC news octos from Conv 2017 sst cmp

• “Signal Use by Octopuses in Agonistic Interactions” (D. Scheel, P. Godfrey-Smith, M. Lawrence) Current Biology 26 (2016): 1-6.

• Cephalopods and the Evolution of the Mind. In Pacific Conservation Biology, 2013.

• Long-Term High-Density Occupation of a Site by Octopus tetricus, with Possible Site Modification Due to Foraging Behavior (P. Godfrey-Smith and M. Lawrence). Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology, 2012. Observations of a site in Australia. For an update about the site, see here.

• “Octopus tetricus as an Ecosystem Engineer,” (D. Scheel, P. Godfrey-Smith, and M. Lawrence), in  Scientia Marina. A second paper about the Octopolis site. Boston Rev sst octos 2013

• On Being an OctopusBoston Review, 2013. What might it be like to be one of these animals? A Nautilus interview on the same themes is here.

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•  A book review of Cephalopod Cognition (edited by Darmaillacq,  Dickel, & Mather)  in Animal Behavior, 2015.

• A new paper about the evolution of communication, with some underwater content.

• Field Observations of Mating in Octopus tetricus and Amphioctopumarginatus, with Christine HuffardMolluscan Research, 2010.